Happy St David’s day. Here is one of my environmental fairies recognizing the importance of bees so they should not become endangered
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Happy St David’s day. Here is one of my environmental fairies recognizing the importance of bees so they should not become endangered
30 years ***Michelin restaurant in Bray an amazing achievement for Michel and Alain Roux and team
So pleased to see my Rouen Duck image grace the exquisite table setting
John Lewis, congratulations on a beautiful Christmas story all the fairies love your message of warmth and love.
Finally we have arrived in Snowdonia. Elle and I have studied and talked to those who are familiar with the various tracks up Snowdon and we have decided to take the Pyg Track to the summit. David has booked the steam train at 10.30 and his trip takes an hour to get to the summit, and he will only have 30 minutes there before having to take the train to descend, so we have allowed ourselves three and half hours to make the climb, leaving the hotel at 0715 David has taken us by car to the start of the Pyg Track climb by the Youth Hostel at Pen-y-Pass and will return to meet us hopefully later at the summit.
Having climbed Nen Nevis we were now on our way home going south and the challenge and lure of the fells and the lakes too good to miss, so we had an amazing drive across Eskdale by way of the the Hard Knott pass, now that was scary, but fun, one of the most outrageous and tricky drives with 30% hills and hairpin bends on a single track road, mountain sheep seems to welcome us looming out of the mist, thank goodness we were the only vehicle it would have been impossible to pass another vehicle easily.
The first challenge of the three highest peaks in the United Kingdom was Ben Nevis 4406 feet. Together with my daughters Charleigh and Elle we waited for the first break in the weather the second week in July from all the rain we had been having, there would be no fun climbing in mist and rain, after all it was our first experience and we needed to find out what we might expect and learn from this first mountain climb. As it so happened it was a fantastic day , quite strenuous but the views were superb as you can see from the images, the climb up and down took a good eight hours but the thrill of summiting was worth it!
Fairy Box Charity
I have often been asked about how the Fairy Box Charity got started. It was back in January 8th 2004 when I received this message from a kind and caring man called John Richardson. I have of course since met since John and his lovely wife Rosemary they are the most wonderful kind caring and charitable people. They enrich the world and the people around them. Bless them both.
Rosemary Richardson
Aimee Butler and her family have much to thank them for as they crossed into a fairy world on a path that has embraced this beginning. It was also a moment that Fairy artists discovered that within our own fairy circle there were other artists and close family members that were also facing difficult journeys with life threatening illness and the need of comforting words and inspirational thoughts. That those in the Fairy world have rallied to be understanding and supportive, kind and considerate towards each other opening up their hearts and blessings to others in difficult times is a wider reward than ever originally conceived the connection with fairy is amazing. John and Rosemary are certainly blessed, that I and David were in a position to spread the word around the globe was a path that fairies asked us to take for Aimee and once you step onto the fairy path, and it’s a simple step, there is no way off, they don’t want to let you off!
John Richardson and Myrea Pettit
You can if you want but you know it would be a terrible thing to do. Those are words Brian Froud told me years ago and I have no reason to doubt his wisdom.
2004 Thursday, January 8, 2004 at 22:24:53
Dear Myrea, I write this to ask your kind help on the following matter. About 2 years ago we met a family from Dundee in Scotland who had a young daughter named Aimee Butler, she was suffering from Leukaemia. This Xmas we were to learn from her mother that young Aimee had suffered a relapse and is now in hospital. Aimee is 8 years old and absolutely loves Fairies. I am writing to family and friends and others everywhere, to ask everyone who can, to send a fairy Card or Fairy something to Aimee to help her deal with the treatments, Aimee Butler unwell in hospital in Glasgow which in turn will help her family. Please send something Fairy to. Miss Aimee Butler, Ward 4, Royal Hospital For Sick Children, Sciennes Road, Edinburgh, Eh9 1LS, many many thanks for any help.
Sincerely John Richardson
Aimee Butler unwell in hospital in Glasgow
Friday, January 09, 2004 11:55 AM
Dear John,
Thank you for your message and your effort to help Aimee. I shall indeed
send something from Fairies World to bring a little sunshine into her
life Blessings Myrea
Friday, January 09, 2004 8:58 PM
Dear Myrea, thank you so much, very greatly appreciated
kind regards, John
From this simple introduction a world of Fairies were to fly with heartfelt good wishes to Scotland
Please read on for more of this special journey
To: Myrea Pettit, Fairies World from John Richardson – Thursday, February 12, 2004 10:56 AM
Dear Myrea, thanks for last message. here is update for you. Last night we went to see Aimee in Hospital, Edinburgh where we understand she will be for a number of days. While Rosemary and her Mum went for a drink, I was given the honour of reading her a story from one of her magic tale books.
Aimee receiving the lucky Mr Jasper from John Richardson
At this time I gave her a little Red Jasper Polished stone, and told inside this lived Mr Jasper, and he listened to everyone’s needs and sometimes granted wishes.
While reading she leaned forward and told me that already she had made 2 wishes, and asked if Mr Jasper also had connections with heaven, Yes I told her he certainly does for its magic, But she reminded me, I cant tell you the wishes, they are a secret, Yes that is so I told her. Then the adults returned. Her Mum told Rosemary that when this happened the 1st time her chances were round 80 %, Now with this 2nd return they were put at 60 to 70 % and she may have problems for the rest of her life.
Aimee is such a little Lady and Old Soul, and so intelligent. We have been made Honorary Grandparents. Your support I can tell you Myrea is so welcomed by the family. If you wish I can give you the Mums e.mail, I can’t recall if I have done this? Now have a nice day on the 14th, keep your wonderful heart open to love and its rich gifts. Maybe one day we can meet and enjoy a talk together over tea and buns.
Love and blessings, John xxx
From Rosie Butler to John Richardson – Thursday, February 26, 2004 10:47 PM Re: stars
Hi John
I think we need our honorary grandparents more than ever – please don’t stand on ceremony – if you want to visit Aimee and Jim please do – I would call the ward or Jim before hand just to make sure that they are there. When Aimee goes back into Edinburgh on Tuesday night next week I would expect that she will be there for at least the first two or three weeks. Aimee doesn’t yet know about the bone marrow transplant – she has enough to deal with at the moment and we will have to choose the best way to guide her through this tough process. While 50/50 may not seem good odds the doctors still feel that there is everything to play for – and until someone tells us otherwise we will go on until we get the right result. It will be especially hard on Leigh who adores his little sister – he would willingly give Aimee the blood in his veins and we have to support him whichever way round the future unfolds please walk with us on this journey – we have made friends with many true and sincere people during this trying time – yourselves included. It is hard to continually ask people for help all the time especially when you don’t know what exactly will help and you can’t think beyond the next moment. Sometimes we need people who can think for us, I know that Aimee considers you both as good and kind friends, as indeed we all do, Love Rosie
WaterColor Fairies book is dedicated to Aimee
From Rosie Butler to Myrea Pettit – Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:23 AM-Update on Aimee
Hi David and Myrea
I have shown Aimee the webpage you have created for her and she is thrilled. Aimee is at home for a few days taking a break between phases of chemotherapy. While she has responded well to treatment so far, special tests have revealed that she still has measurable underlying disease which means that she is at risk of a further relapse. the setback means that she will need a bone marrow transplant to have real hope of beating the disease. Our hope is that her older brother Leigh may be able to be a match. As only one in four siblings are a good match she may have to go on the bone marrow register for an unrelated match. Aimee doesn’t know about this new development yet – it is enough that she faces a five week phase of treatment in Edinburgh next week. I have framed the lovely prints that you kindly sent Aimee and hung them in my kitchen which is a lovely sunshine yellow – all the family can enjoy them there. Aimee sends her love. Kind regards, Rosie.
From David Riché
Wednesday, March 03, 2004 12:41 AM � From David Riche to all Fairy artists
Dear Fairy Artists
I hope you don’t mind me telling you a story. Some of you may have seen on Fairies world a page Ray has made for a special fairy http://www.fairiesworld.com/aimee.shtml We have to be discreet so as to not offend but if any of you have seen it, there is a little more to the story about a little girl that loves fairies. Myrea was asked on 9th January if she might be able to offer some help and encouragement to a little girl named Aimee Butler, she was suffering from Leukaemia. A great family friend of hers John Richardson sent the email right below.We were proud to send A copy of ‘Art of Faery’ book and have subsequently sent other fairy images from Myrea, they did so much to help the little girl at that point in time and she was able to go home for a little while. Since that time Aimee has to undergo very much more treatment. Any of you that know about that disease will know that to fight it the patient has to have the enthusiasm to want to fight and the encouragement to live.
Fairies are Aimee’s life, seeing her mum’s email update below Feb 26 and 29, says it all, and she and Jim her husband are facing this difficult time.
I don’t suggest we inundate with masses of emails and images, nor to expect you to keep communicating, Ray will add information to her page on Fairies World, but I would dearly appreciate anyone of you who might care to send a couple of fairy images and a few words of encouragement to Aimee or her Mum, there is no computer in the Hospital but Rosie will take in to Aimee copies of messages . Please do put your Name city and country so they will know these fairy wishes have come from afar. Thank you all so much for your understanding and taking up your time to do this. Blessings David and Myrea
From Rosie Butler to David Riché – Wednesday, March 03, 2004 6:13 PM- Re Thank you again
Hi David and Myrea
Thank you for your kindness on Aimee’s behalf. Today she has received over 20 beautiful pictures by email from artists featured in your book and is so inspired that she is drawing a set of fairy wings on a plinth for me. Each day is so difficult – wakening to another day with the need to fight this terrible disease and what it might do to my darling Aimee and our family – but your kindness and the kindness of the many other artists who have shared their art with us today has made this day seem a little less lonely and a little brighter, many thanks, Rosie
Thank you to Myrea from Aimee
I had been searching for this photo image for years and thank to my Uncle Ric up there in Holmfirth he has found it and made my day! xx Thank you Ric XX